

Lauren Underwood

Lauren Underwood

Barrel Racer – Meeker, OK


Current Highlights:

  • 2021 Top Average OKC Fiver Futurity (Bugatti)
  • 2022 Bonus Race Finals Top 5 1D daily (Bugatti)
  • 2022 Top 5 1D NBHA State Finals Average (Bugatti)
  • 2022 Rocking R Henryetta Open Rodeo Winner (Bugatti)

2023 Horses Names

  • Whistle With Charisma (Bugatti)
  • MP Full Of Stars (Gator)
  • Seza

Never Give Up Competition Memory

  • At the OKC Futurity in 2021, I had only been running Bugatti a few months at races. She was doing really well, but we were still figuring out adding more speed. I had never entered any kind of futurity and it was a lot different environment. I was nervous, which rarely happens anymore. I decided that we’d paid up and we were there, so we might as well for for it. Bugatti did amazing and really showed me how capable she was. She’s out of my good mare from High School and College (Animosa Charisma). It was special to start winning on her, one that I’ve raised, finished, and ran her mom. She has the same running style as her mom too, so it’s fun to see her excel and follow her mom’s footsteps.

Favorite Event

  • The Annual Tuff Arena Race

Cowgirl Tuff Favorite Style

  • Pullover Button Ups

Cowgirl Tuff Favorite Jean and Why

  • The Trouser Jeans
    • I love the look and the stretch

Favorite Meal

  • Salmon and Rice with some Pineapple

Favorite Movie

  • The New Top Gun


Best Advice You Ever Received and Who Gave It

  • We don’t believe in luck; we believe in hard work and blessings!
  • My Dad

Best – Have Road Trip Food

  • Pretzels or apples and peanut butter

Favorite Pet

  • Tucker, my mini aussie


AHAH Moment In Your Life

  • As barrel racers, we are good at giving everything to our horses and neglecting ourselves. In 2021 I ran Bugatti at a race, and she left a barrel hard and I got behind and I almost fell off. I was super embarrassed, super disgusted with myself, and upset I wasn't riding her to the best of my abilities. So, I signed up for a fitness coach and it's honestly the best thing I've ever done. The ah-hah moment came after I'd been working out for a few months, and I was able to stay with Bugatti easily. It was an amazing feeling. I was so excited that my hard work had paid off and I've pursued fitness ever since. It really does make such a huge difference in the arena.

Favorite Drill to Keep Your Horse in Shape

  • I really like long trotting/loping them to keep them in top shape. As far as drills go, I like loping them in circles one handed, asking them to stop, back and turn to the inside of the circle while switching hands and picking up a lope again. This keeps them soft, listening, and doing it one handed helps when it comes to the pattern since we turn one handed.