

Mitch Gordon

Mitch Gordon

Country Music Singer – Maple Lake, MN


Short Description of Who You Are, And What You’re Known For:

  • Hey folks, my name is Mitch Gordon from a Maple Lake, Minnesota. I love country music, the good kind "Country & Western". I’ve been playing shows out for the last 14 years across 18 states in the U.S. As an independent artist I feed off of artist like Aaron Watson, Turnpike Troubadours, & little guys like me. I am grateful for this music career I get to live and the good people I get to meet along the way. I hope to see you at a show soon, and if so don't be afraid to come say hello! Cheers -MG

Favorite Jean Style and Why

  • B. Tuff Homerun Jean
    • Comfortable plain blue jean.

Favorite Performance Memory:

  • 2016 Winstock on the main stage. It felt like a increase in my career and it was great to see so many familiar faces being it was a hometown festival!

If A Movie Was Made of Your Life, What Genre Would It Be, And Who Would Play You?

  • A hunting video and probably Michael Waddell

What Is Your Favorite Disney Movie?

  • Toy Story

Favorite Meal:

  • Anything Venison

All-Time Favorite Movie:

  • Talladega Nights

Best Advice You Ever Received and Who Gave It

  • "Quality, Best You Can" - Bruce Hoffman
  • This is on my guitar, each night I see this.

Must– Have Road Trip Food

  • Mom’s Chocolate Chip Cookies

Favorite Pet

  • Watson the Dog


Favorite Thing(s) To Do with Your Free Time:


  • Hunt, hunt, and hunt! I love to bow hunt either Deer or Elk. I also love to shoot guns, ride dirt bikes and fish!

Favorite Place of All The Places You Have Visited:

  • Any of the western states. I love it out there. Hunting, playing shows, hanging with friends. It is just so peaceful.